Partner marketing software with an asset
recommendation engine can add tremendous
value to partner marketing efforts: Here's how

Salespeople spend a lot of time looking for the right assets to share with prospects when instead, they should be selling. Channel partners on the other hand, just share whatever they feel is a decent fit, and, if they don't find the right marketing support and assets, they may instinctively just move on to other vendors' products and start pushing them instead. And what's worse, in the end, from the vendor's or corporate marketing team's perspective, it is difficult to say whether the right asset was located and shared with the prospects and whether it was effective.

Vendors can address this challenge by making it easy for their salespeople and channel partners to locate and share the right asset at the right time. Partner marketing software with asset recommendation engines can make this process easy and more efficient. Asset recommendation engines work to suggest the correct asset—the one that is most relevant and thus most likely to be effective, based on various factors. These factors include the position of the buyer in the sales cycle, buyer behavior, buyer attributes and the opportunity.

The power of asset recommendation engines can be further leveraged by integrating them with channel and sales playbooks that map the sales and marketing assets to relevant stages of the buyer's journey, thus providing sales teams and channel partners with the right assets to be used at each stage of the sales cycle. When combined with powerful user-based reporting and analytics, this will help vendors and corporate marketing teams track user adherence to guidance and correlate adherence to performance.

The user experience can be further enhanced by tagging the assets/sales and marketing content based on personas, language, solutions, etc. So, whether it is for the cold call or the introductory email, the channel partners and salespeople deliver the specific asset that targets each prospect where they are.

Know which asset to use at what time with Mindmatrix's asset recommendation feature Mindmatrix's asset recommendation engine suggests the best asset for success—the one that is most relevant and thus most effective; based on factors such as the position of the buyer in the sales cycle, buyer behavior, buyer attributes and the opportunity.

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Mindmatrix is a leading provider of PRM software, channel partner marketing software and sales ecosystems enablement solutions including partner portal software. Since its inception in 1998, Mindmatrix has been focused on helping companies sell more, faster. A pioneer of sales (direct & indirect) and marketing enablement technology, today Mindmatrix is the only company offering a fully unified platform (Bridge ™) that connects and enables sales (direct & indirect), marketing, alliances and partner ecosystems. Backed by Mindmatrix's innovation and expertise, Bridge expands sales ecosystem enablement beyond its traditional boundaries to cover not just Sales Ecosystem Enablement, but also Partner Marketing and Multi-vendor Solutions Management